Research project:

“Maritime construction caisson with minimum walls armour substituted by concrete with fibers.”

The consultant’s office INGEOMAR (Ingeniería Avanzada de Obras Marítimas S.L.P.), in consortium with the construction company CMW (Cyes Maritime Works S.L.), develops the research project with the main objective of design and construct concrete caissons in maritime constructions using the fiber method for the armour.

Caissons are a maritime infrastructure used in dike and dock big dimensions constructions. It is possible to employ 3000m3 of concrete by unit. In the project is considered the caisson armour reduction by the use of fibers, reducing the time needed and easing the constructive process.

It has to be selected the most apropiate fiber in order to its composition and lenght. The concrete dose has to be adapted to the fiber and it has to be done the calculations to determine how many armour can be substituted and in wich elements.

The final solution can also depend of the typology of each one of the elements that form the caisson so that the armour elimination degree or the dose needed could be different according to the element considered or to its position in the caisson global structure.

The project has the collaboration of the “Instituto de Ciencia y Tecnología del Hormigón de la UPV (Universidad Politécnica de Valencia)” and it has been objective of the help concession by the “Instituto Valenciano de Competitividad Empresarial (IVACE)”, within the framework of the “PLAN DE I+D+i EMPRESARIAL. PROYECTOS DE I+D EN COOPERACIÓN Convocatoria 2016”.