Project of the extension/creation of the beach and licence of its services in the Medio Almud ravine and Los Frailes ravine, Mogán (Gran Canaria)
Regeneration and remodeling actions of the beaches placed in the ravines of Medio Almud and Los Frailes for completing the development of a tourist luxury complex that is going to be situated in the slopes of that ravines, in the territory of Mogán.
In the ravine of Los Frailes, following the line of the new edifications that look for integrating with the environment for minimizing its impact on it, it is set out the construction of an artificial beach that tries to be the most natural possible, leaving elements like dikes or breakwaters, and promoting natural elements as cliffs or reefs for the protection of the new beach.
The proposal for the Los Frailes beach consists in digging the natural rock terrain, making a box that can contain the submerged beach and the dry beach. So the beach can grow inland, occupying private terrains that will be integrated to the maritime-terrestrial public domain.
For the Medio Almud beach the proposal doesn’t include the realization of new works or sand drops. For the improvement and extension of the beach the actions are the digging and the reuse, after the rock crushing, of the slope cliff rocks and existing stones and fillings.
Furthermore, it has been elaborated for each project a plan of uses and services organization that contemplate the installation of hammocks and parasols with the objective of improving the beach functionallity.
Coastal engineering projects

Project of extension and improvement of the beach of Balito, Mogán (Gran Canaria) and licence of the beach services